Risk Identification

Risk identification is often considered a must-do bringing very limited added value, a long list of items in an Excel spreadsheet revisited once a year and then buried to “get back to work.” Yet, it is one of the best tools for leaders to anticipate and spot opportunities.

Our approach:

  • We combine known academic models (PESTEL, Porter etc.) with the Gerositus® 4 points of tension framework – what is at stake, what are the risks, what are the opportunities, who are the stakeholders. 
  • We use the stakeholders tripolarity model to give you a deep understanding of stakeholder dynamics
  • Workshop-based: we conduct half-day immersive and high-interaction sessions so you can have a clear picture extremely fast.

Your benefits:

Engaging with our Risk Management service provides:

  1. Your risk matrix
  2. Full clarity of the relations between what is at stake, your risks and your opportunities. 
  3. A clear mapping of your stakeholders, why and how they influence your context and your goals.
  4. Optional: the Gerositus® Risk app
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